Things we come across everyday but never knew they had names

PETRICHOR  -  petrichor is that sweet smell or pleasant scent we perceive outside during rainfall.  It is formed from the Greek word "Petra" meaning stone and "lichor"  meaning blood of the gods. The term was coined by two Australian researchers in 1964 and became a word in 2011 when it popped up in a doctor who episode

OCTOTHORPE -  we often refer to it as pound or hash tag,  but its real name is octothorpe and it is the "#"  signs on our phone

OBELUS -  this is the division symbol (÷)

LEMNISCAFE -  this is the infinity symbol
OVERMORROW -  guess what this could be......,   overmorrow is the day after tomorrow. ha ha,  sounds crazy right?!..

BARM -  the whitish foam on beers is called a barm

WAMBLE -  this is the crazy sound made by a running stomach, so next time you say my stomach is wambling not rumbling

VAGITUS -  the cry of a new born baby. I think I know how this was formed,  maybe from the word "vagin--"  complete that yourself *tongues out*

GRIFFONAGE  -  an unreadable handwriting like a doctor's jargon
CRAPULENCE -  the sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much

VOCABLES -  the "na na nas"  and "la la las"  in song lyrics that don't have meanings

DYSANIA - this is the state of finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning especially Mondays or during the harmarttan period
RASCETA -  the lines on the inside of your wrist
PURLICUE -  the space between the thumb and the forefinger
PHOSPHENES -  the light you see when you close your eyes and you press your hands on them
COLLYWOBBLES -  the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach or probably spiders
TMESIS -  when you separate a word into two to get sensible effects eg I'm gonna ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY kill you

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