One great lesson to learn today.

  Ever heard of Brian Acton???.. Nope, I guess not. The name doesn't sound too familiar to almost all of us. Just keep reading and you might wanna thank me for writing about this
  Brian Acton is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. Born in Michigan, grew up in Central Florida there, he attended and graduated
from Lake Howell High School . He later went to  Stamford University and he graduated in1994 with a degree in computer science. In 1992, he
became a systems administrator for Rockwell International, before
becoming a product tester at Apple Inc (the owners of I phone, I pad etc) and Adobe Systems . In 1996, he became the 44th employee hired by Yahoo Inc. He worked at Yahoo Inc. (the famous that we all know) for 11 years as an infrastructural engineer. While at Yahoo, he invested in the dotcom boom ( you can check out what the dotcom boom mean on the internet)  and he failed woefully. He lost lot of million in the dotcom bubble of 2000.
   He left Yahoo Inc and was unemployed for 2 years. Brian then went down to silicon valley hoping to get a Job but he was turned down by both FACEBOOK And TWITTER. However, Brian didn't give up, he maintained his positivity and said "it was a great opportunity to connect with some fantastic people. Looking forward to life's next adventure" after he was being rejected.
Brian pressed on and began working with an old colleague from Yahoo Inc, Mr Jan Koum. They both worked as Co - founders of a new project which I believe has changed the world now. If you aren't familiar with the name already, Brian's project is WHATSAPP (Jan Koum chose the name cos it sounds like what's up)
   After few years of making his money. Brian sold whatsapp to Facebook (the same company that rejected him) for 19$ billion (19 billion dollars) in cash and stock.. the deal gave him a 4 million stake in it making his net worth around 4.2 billion dollars. 
  So, are you feeling washed up??, you feel rejected or dejected?? Or you probably think you're too old or its too late to chase your dreams????
  Dump that shit feeling and keep trying . Don't quit trying and don't you ever give up. Who knows, you might just turn out to be another Brian Acton.

Msg from : 
Samuel Ajibola 

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