Nike to realease New Power Lacing Shoes

    The heading sounds quite crazy and confusing, but to make it more easy, a Power lacing shoe is a shoe that laces itself ( as in it ties it's lace by itself)
    Sounds quite unbelievable right???. It soo unbelievable how fast technology is growing everyday and there's no denying that new technology do make life a lot more easier
    So, Nike  is finally producing a HyperAdapt 1.0 – a power-lacing sneaker. It is safe to say they're now in the future after teaming up with ‘Back To The Future star Michael J. Fox (a notable Canadian American actor and author). The sneakers were announced at the Nike Innovation Summit, and they will be the first shoe to possess adaptive lacing or self-lacing technology.
    Nike said that the feature is meant to reduce the distraction faced by athletes concerned about their shoelaces and the time taken to tie and tighten them. The shoes automatically tighten once worn due to a sensor in the heel. There are buttons at the side which tighten and loosen the laces to your liking.
    Mind you, the shoes are not out yet, they'll be   launched soon and though the price isn’t out yet, the shoes will only be available for sale  to Nike  members .

See the video preview of the sneaker here

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