How to spy on other people's whatsapp messages (with your phone)

    Are you a parent that doesn't trust your son/daughter and you want to keep up with what he/she has been doing on whatsapp??!!.. or are you an insecure boyfriend / girlfriend who thinks your love is cheating on you and you've been looking for a way to know what he's been up to (on whatsapp)??..
    Well then, I bring you good news as it is now possible to spy on other's whatsapp messages and a whole lot of other stuffs
    I'm gonna introduce to you to this app that lets you spy on others. It so simple to use that all you have to do is set it up and just sit down, relax and let it do the spying for you. The app I'm talking about is called "MSPY"
    I really don't have much to say about this, Bt I think you should know the exciting features of mSpy and what it is capable of doing. It's features include to

*Spy on WhatsApp Messages and Chats.
* Spy on WhatsApp Group Messages.
*Spy on Internet activity including social media like Facebook , WhatsApp , Twitter.   and Gmail
*Spy on GPS locations in real-time.
*Spy on WhatsApp Contacts.
*Spy on keystrokes, photos and videos.
*Spy operation works in a complete stealth mode and thus remains undetected!.

So, how does it work??

    You will have to download and install the mSpy app onto the target phone where you intend to spy on WhatsApp messages. Installation and configuration takes only a few minutes. However, for this you should have the target phone in your hand at least for a few minutes.
    Once the installation is complete, the monitoring process of all the above mentioned activities (WhatsApp messages, calls, SMS, Internet, GPS, camera etc.) will begin and the recorded logs are silently uploaded to your mSpy account. You can login to your online account at any time to view the logs containing WhatsApp messages and other activity details.

    Google search a download link for the app ( I'm very sorry I can't  provide you a download link, I'm too lazy to search the Web, but at least you should thank me for giving this information *winks*)

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